with Dope Marketing

Get your business in front of more businesses with B2B Blitz.

Our innovative tool makes it easy to target the exact businesses you want to reach using postcards, handwritten notes, and custom goodie boxes. With B2B Blitz, educating businesses about your services has never been simpler.

Our Other Offerings

We don't just send postcards!

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High Quality Postcards & Designs

We don’t send those little flimsy 4x6 cards you usually see, our cards are 6x9, double-sided + full color on card stock paper. They're tough, they're beautiful, but most of all they're DOPE.

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Handwritten Cards

Add a personal touch to your direct mail with Handwritten card! Integrate your CRM to send automated thank yous to customers when a job status closes, a job is paid, or any data point in your CRM!

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Custom Printed Goodie Boxes

Send your clients a custom designed goodie box complete with cookies and a handwritten thank you to jobs over a certain value, jobs in a specific area, or whatever data point you want in your CRM.

How Many Businesses Can I Target?

Open answer

You can select from pre-set amounts of 25, 50, 100, 250, or enter ANY amount you'd like to target!

How would I use a custom shape?

Open answer

Have a specific industrial area you want to target? Know of an area that has a cluster of the business types you're looking for? Simply click on the map to set the corners of your custom shape and drag it around until it's perfect!

No minimum order? Really?

Open answer

Yes. If you want to send a single postcard, we’ll happily process it and get it to the post office by the next business day.


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