Target The Perfect Neighborhood with No Minimum Order

Neighborhood Blitz

Neighborhood Blitz makes it easy to send laser-focused direct mail to any neighborhood in your area. Pinpoint the exact homes or businesses you want to reach with postcards or handwritten notes—no mailing lists, no bulk requirements, and no wasted mail. With DOPE’s Neighborhood Blitz, targeting your ideal customers has never been easier.

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Neighborhood BLITZ allows you to target your perfect customer in multiple ways

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Filter by a Radius Around an Address

Book more jobs in the neighborhoods you're already working in with Neighborhood Blitz. Easily filter by a specific number of homes around any address—targeting the nearest 25, 50, 100, or more. Reach the neighbors of every home you service and send laser-focused direct mail in just a few clicks.


Filter By Household Targeting

With Neighborhood Blitz, you can drop a pin or draw a shape to select the exact homes you want to target based on specific criteria. Use powerful filters like home value, income, year built, length of residence, and homeowner age to ensure your message reaches the right audience. Set up targeted campaigns effortlessly and get your brand in front of the perfect customers in the neighborhoods that matter most!

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Filter By Drawing a Shape or Dropping a Pin

Reach your perfect audience with Neighborhood Blitz by selecting precise areas to target. Drop a pin or sketch a custom shape around any neighborhood, choose the number of addresses you want to reach, and we’ll handle the rest. Perfect for targeting high-end neighborhoods, storm-affected areas, specific town sections, or exclusive gated communities, Neighborhood Blitz ensures your mail reaches the right people.

Our Other Offerings

We don't just send postcards!

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Handwritten Cards

Add a personal touch to your direct mail with Handwritten card! Integrate your CRM to send automated thank yous to customers when a job status closes, a job is paid, or any data point in your CRM!

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High Quality Postcards & Designs

We don’t send those little flimsy 4x6 cards you usually see, our cards are 6x9, double-sided + full color on card stock paper. They're tough, they're beautiful, but most of all they're DOPE.


Custom Printed Goodie Boxes

Send your clients a custom designed goodie box complete with cookies and a handwritten thank you to jobs over a certain value, jobs in a specific area, or whatever data point you want in your CRM.

How many addresses can I select?

Open answer

You can select from pre-set amounts of 25, 50, 100, 250, or enter ANY amount you'd like to target!

How would I use a custom shape?

Open answer

Have a high end neighborhood you want to target? Know of an area was was hit by a storm? Simply click on the map to set the corners of your custom shape and drag it around until it's perfect!

How often do you send mail?

Open answer

We batch the previous days' worth of automations and campaigns at 7:30 a.m. CT, Monday - Friday. In layman's terms: it'll be printed and sent the day after you place the order or the day after the automation is triggered.

No Minimum Order? Really?

Open answer

Yes. If you want to send a single postcard, we’ll happily process it and get it to the post office by the next business day.


Neighborhood Blitz FAQs