Let's get Started!
Subscribe to DOPE and easily send postcards, handwritten notes, and gift boxes—right from your CRM. With seamless automation, personalized outreach has never been easier. Choose a package and start scaling your marketing today!
or $250 monthly
with no minimum order
2 Direct Mail Automations
Traditional Campaigns
EDDM Campaigns
Neighborhood Blitz
Filters in Blitz
Hot Leads
Send Handwritten Cards
or $500 monthly
with no minimum order
7 Direct Mail Automations
Traditional Campaigns
EDDM Campaigns
Neighborhood Blitz
Filters in Blitz
Hot Leads
Send Handwritten Cards
Send Cookie Boxes
or $1000 monthly
with no minimum order
25 Direct Mail Automations
Traditional Campaigns
EDDM Campaigns
Neighborhood Blitz
Filters in Blitz
Hot Leads
Send Handwritten Cards
Send Cookie Boxes
Send Custom Swag Boxes
Check Out The Dope Print Shop
Will you help me with designs?
Absolutely. We have a full staff of designers who can take your brand assets and marketing goals and apply them to a variety of proven templates we’ve developed for strong direct mail results.
How often do you send mail?
We work on your schedule! Whether you need weekly campaigns, monthly newsletters, or seasonal promotions, our flexible system adapts to your marketing calendar for maximum impact.
No minimum order? Really?
Yes, really! We believe in accessibility for businesses of all sizes. From small test campaigns to enterprise-level distributions, we provide the same premium quality and service for every order.